I cant find a reason why God gave u to me, but that is not the question to b asked,May b the question is how did GOD knew that i needed a friend like 'U'....

A Good friend is like a Computer,Enter your life, 'Save' u in their heart,'format' ur problems,'shift' u to opportunities &never 'delete' u from memory!

Life without FriENDS is
(F)ull of doubt
Life with FriENDS is
(L)ight n easy
(F)ull of hopes

D se dosti, D se Dil, D se Dard, D se dillagi, D se Diwangi par D se itna bhi Dur na ho jana ki S se SMS aur C se Call bhi na kar sako...... "

10-Fingers 09-Planets 08-Sides 07-Wonders 06-Sense 05-Pandavas 04-Seasons 03-Choices 02-Genders 01-Wonderful Friend ***U***

Our friendship has become our HABIT even if U take out H-ABIT remains.Take out A ,still BIT remains ,Finally take out B,still IT remains....

If i could pull down the rainbow, i would write ur name on it and putit back in the sky 2 let everybody know how colourful my life is with a frd like u.

Our friendship is a blank cheque,its an asset not a liberty,always a credit not debit, always a profit not a loss,hope it will not Bounce!!!!!!

MY FRIEND should be... My madicine when i'm in pain, MY letter when i'm Far, My smile whan i'm sad, My handkerchef when i cry, My life when i die!

some people says 4 life money is important;some says wealth is important,some says beauty is important.but we say 4 life only &only a good friend is important.........just like u,,,,

Salammmm!><(((:> I send dis fish as a sign of friendship,,,,,Plzzz take care of it & keep it in mobile & daily put ur mobile in water so tat fish wont DIE:-) TAKE CARE

A daily thought...A silent tear...
A Constant wish that u r near...
Words are few but thoughts r deep...
Memories of our frenship i'll always keep!!

Treat life as the sea,your herat as seashore,friends like the waves,it never matters how many waves are there,what matters is which one touchs the seashore.i hope i'm first stone who touched the seashore

SWEET FRIEND!!!!Sun can 4get its warmth...Moon can 4get its light...Flower can 4get its fragrance ...Love can 4get its emotion BUT i can never 4get a friend juz like u

*. .*
( ._, )
*==* friendship
need no
no demands and
no expectations.
just sinzerity and trust! dear i m missing u


If somebody leaves u with lots of tears.. then just save them safely. later wen a person who cums 2 u with happiness, then just compare the saved tears and present happiness. If happiness overcomes your tears .... Then i am sure you have found your BEST FRIEND.

frnds are like baloons once you let them go u cant ever bring them back thats why i will tie u tight to my heart ur 2 presious 2 me

friendship is like an onion which has many layers it will add taste to ur life but if u try to cut it u will have tear in ur eyes......

To live a life i need heartbeat, 2 have heartbeat i need a heart, 2 have heart i need happiness, to have happiness i need a friend, and 4 a friend i need U.ALWAYS

Thinking of tomorrow brings tears to my eyes, coz tomorrow we might have to say good bye. But if tomorrow, it should be d end, d best memory I'd take wid me was d day you became my friend.

Minutes r small,hours r less, days r short, months r enough to be with u,i can take infinite births if i get a sweet friend like u....

Numerical value of L+O+V+E is 54, F+R+I+E+N+D+S+H+I+P is 108. so friendship is 2 times greaterthen LOVE. loose the LOVE but don't loose FRIENDSHIP..... Suren 'n' Vijetha

one stone is enough to break a glass one second is enough to fall in love one sentence is enough to break a heart and one misunder standing is enough to break friendships

Thousands of friends i make, Everyones hands i shake. But real friends are few and The best of them is YOU....

Life start with violence, bt ends with silence, Love start with fear but end with tears, true friendship starts with any where but ends no where.

My friendship is like onion which have many layers if u try cut it then u will have tears in ur eyes.

If SOMEONE ASKS ME WHAT is Friendship? I "LL explain,"I WOuLD SIT nExt To YOU,PULL YOU CloSe tO Me,PUT mY ARMS ArOuNd YOU aNd sAy pRoUdLy, tHis is Friendship.

Life is a railway station,in wh love is a train,it will come & go at any time, but frndship is like track it will b forever.

Ur smile makes me flat... ur talks make me glad.. Ur company makes me mad... But ur absence makes me sad... Be always wit me my dear friend!!!


As precious as u r to me,
As precious no one can ever be,
I know friends r hard to choose,
But u r a friend I never want to lose.

6 rules to be HAPPY: Free your heart from hatred; Free your mind from worries; Live simply; Expect less; Give more & Always have ME as UR FRIEND

Any one can play these roles in his/her life:
Baby role: 0 to 3 years.
Child role: 3 to 15 years.
Young role: 15 to 25 years.
Parent role: 25 to 60 years.
Grand parent role: 60 to 100 years.
Everyone can play the one and only role for lifelong is FRIEND role.

Friends are the sunshine of life.

Hold true friends with both your hands.

A part of you has grown in me, and so you see, it's you and me together forever. Never apart, maybe in distance, but never in heart.

Friendship often ends in love, but love in friendship - never.

My father always used to say that when you die, if you've got five real friends, you've had a great life.

Time for Tolerance,Equality, and Acceptance, It's allways TEA time with my Friends...

No man is a failure who has friends.

Friendship improves happiness, and abates misery, by doubling our joy, and dividing our grief.

Friendship is the only rose without thorns.

Friends are forever, you might lose them but you'll never forget them

Show me your best friend and I'll tell you who you are.

They don't get mad when u call 11:00 at night to ask a question or just to talk

A ring is round it has no end and that is how long i will be your friend

I looked for my God; my God eluded me. I looked for my soul; my soul I could not see. I looked for a friend and I found all three.

True friendship multiplies the good in life and divides it's evils; strive to have friends, for life without friends is like life on a desert island.To find one real friend in a lifetime is good fortune; to keep him is a blessing.

Frienship is like Sky and Friends are like the stars in the sky, and dear U are da COMET among da stars....

Friendship is a promise made in the heart....
unbreakable by distance...
unchangeble by time...
its lovely to have u as one..!

A friend is like a "PILLOW",u can hug it when u r in trouble,u can cry on
it when u r in pain,u can embrace it when u r happy...!Always remember I can b ur PILLOW.

plz REMIND me to REMIND u abt REMINDING me to send u this REMINDER that REMINDS me of REMINDING u that I am always UR good FRND.

This message to you,
I just had to send.
As you are someone who's
always so happy to lend,
so caring, sharing, loving,
such a wonderful friend.
I hope that our friendship,
will never ever end!

A true friend is not the one who knows your mistake and jugde you,instead he/she helps you to survive the worst,lift you when you down,wipe your tears when no one can,gives you a shoulder to cry on when you need one.A friend aways tells the truth when i am wrong or right, if i'm lost a friend knows how to retrieve me.Friend can bear my insult that i'm not aware off.Friend can forgive if i've done wrong.A friend always loves my presence.Between there's no lies.deciet,cheating,betraying or backstaping.

flower need sunshine,violet need dew,all angels in heaven know i need u. yrs may fly,tears may dry,butmy friendship with u will never die:)

Introduction is possible anytime,Love is possible sometime.Marriage is possible one time,but a sweet friend like u is possible once in a lifetime

A friend scolds like dad, cares like a mom, teases like a sis, irritates like a bro,FRIENDSHIP- the blend of all relation,U r my best friend, b my friend 4ever.

friendship cannot grow like a tree ,but they grow in their mind.so if you know that you have a friend, then promote your friendship through mind to shw that you realy trust your friend. i trust you man

If still night comes b4 morning,life comes bfr death,spring comes before winter.It means we r still friends.

people say we need maps to find treasure but i proved them wrong cos without a map i found you.and you will be treasure me 4 ever

Love &friend r walking in village.
love falls into a well,why?
bocs love is blind.
frnd also jumps inside
y? frnd will do any thing

Friendship is like a relation between the hand and eyes, its like when the hand gets hurt the eyes cries and when the eyes cries the hand wipes its tears.

1+1 = 2 my 2 eyes looking at U, 3+2 = 5 sense missing U,4+3 = 7days thinking of U, 5+7 = 12 months dreaming abt Ubut 99+1 = 100 years i need a sweet friend like U

One day Love asked friendship "Y R U in the world when i am here?
Friendshipsmiled and said "to spread smiles where u leave tears"

walk w/ me ven ur heart needs company
talk 2 me ven u feel all alone
trust me ven ur heart beats more.
think of me venever u need a true frnd

I wish i cud b a dove 2 brng u peace, a cupid 2 bring u luv,an angel 2 bring u a miracle.A ll i am is ur best friend, in the hope that it brings u happiness.

Friendship is a wonderful word, it might be the most beautiful one on earth. Friendship is something powerful, a gift of great value!

For a friend hu made me laugh, smile & believe dt life s worthwhile despite d tough times. thanks 4 everything! from: a friend who wud do d same!

Friends are like puzzle pieces. If one goes away, that special piece can never be replaced and that puzzle will never be whole again.

The words that escape a friend's mouth r: I'll be there when u say u need me.But the words that r unheard from a true friend's heart r: I'll be there... whether u say u need me or not

Me+U=a gr8 story of friendsip!

Vacancy in my Heart 4 a True Friend
Eligibility: Loving & Caring,
Duty: To Luv,
Experience: Not required,
Salary: Never Ending Luv,
Joining: ASAP,
R U interested?

6 rules to be HAPPY: Free your heart from hatred; Free your mind from worries; Live simply; Expect less; Give more & Always have ME as UR FRIEND

My Dear Friend.
I Promise Today,
No Matter what,
Through all of lifes,
Changes we'll always,
Be Friends,Like we are,
Today .!

Gud relationz doesn't need any promises, any terms or conditions.......
It just need two wonderful people.
One Cool like me...One Sweet like u...HAPPY FRIENDSHIP DAY

A gun can kill some one fire can burn some one i wind can chill anger can rage till it tears you apart but dear friend power of your smile can heal a frozen heart

FRIENDSHIP is like a needle of a clock.
Though we r in same clock, we r not able 2 meet.
Even if we meet, itz only 4 few seconds.
But we always stay connected.

One day Monday went to Tuesday to see Wednesday n ask Thursday whether Friday has told Saturday that "Sunday" is FRIENDSHIP DAY...Advance Happy Frndship Day.

A simple poem for u,
forgetting us is hard to do,
forgetting me is up to u,
9forget me not,
forget me never & u will have a friend forever.
Happy Friendship Day

Stars r far away,d sun\\\'s 2hot to touch,
n moons unapproachable so i broght u in my life s a Frnd
bcoz i alwys wntd 2hav my own littl Universe...
Happy frndshp day

we r ;-/)) , driving
in our own STREET called LIFE
& im so glad dat in 1 of intersections
i met nice "Frièñd" like U! HAPPY FRIENDSHIP DAY

friendship is like a snow ball easy to make but difficult to keep it

ur look made my hour,
ur smile made my day,
ur laugh made my month,
ur touch made my year,
ur friendship made my life!!!

shamai ab dhalti nahi
anchal jo tera simat jae
ap yaha hamesha rahe
dori rahe na ho fasle


Katleen Garcia said...

Im interested about sms based voting system. I hope there's an upcoming blog about it!